Modify Storage Connection fails by error "Failed to find storage system"
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server 4.1P2
- Storage system was registered as IP address and it was unable to be resolved to storage virtual machine (SVM) name at that time
- The IP address can be resolved to SVM name as of now
- Modify Storage Connection fails by error "
Failed to find storage system
Error message "
Failed to find storage system
" is detected inSnapManagerWeb.log
ERROR SnapManagerWeb PID=[3544] TID=[51] ErrorCode (102), ErrorMessage (Failed to find storage system)
INFO SnapManagerWeb PID=[3544] TID=[51] Setting storage connection is completed on host(s)
No connection error is detected in
. -
from PowerShell in SnapCenter Server returns correct SVM information by specifying the same credentials as specified inModify Storage Connection
> Import-Module "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SMCore\SAL\PSToolkit\DataONTAP.C.dll"
> Connect-NcController -Port 443 <SVM_MGMT_IP>