Migrating from SCV 4.1.1 to NDB or SCV 4.3 fails with Error: Failed to find host (IP_ADDR)
Applies to
- NetApp Data Broker (NDB) 1.0.x
- SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV) 4.3 and higher
Attempting to migrate the SCV 4.1.1 data to the IP address of the newly installed VMware Plug-in from OVA fails with:
ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Add-Host failed with reason : Failed to register host <IP-ADDR>. Error: Failed to find host (<IP_ADDR>). Verify if the host is up and running and check the DNS and firewall settings. No such host is known.. Please add the host <IP_ADDR> and activate App backup jobs manually.)