Migrating SnapCenter using REST APIs fails if non-default install paths were used
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server (SC) 4.6 and higher
- Disaster Recovery (DR) REST APIs
Migrating SC to a new server, using the Disaster Recovery (DR) REST APIs, fails with the following error:
ERROR SnapManagerWeb_12 PID=[5776] TID=[87] SnapCenter installed path or port is not same as the the disaster recovery (DR) backup information, hence aborting the DR restore activity.
INFO SnapManagerWeb_12 PID=[5776] TID=[87] Exit: CustomPathValidator.Validate
ERROR SnapManagerWeb_12 PID=[5776] TID=[87] One or more pre check validations failed.SnapCenter installed path or port is not same as the the disaster recovery (DR) backup information, hence aborting the DR restore activity.