After upgrade of SnapCenter to 4.1.1P3 the storage connection cannot be retrieved
Applies to
- SnapCenter 4.1.1P3 with Windows/Exchange/SQL plugins
- SnapCenter Server
- SnapCenter Plug-in for SQL
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Exchange
Disk enumeration and backups are failing with no Storage Connection found, followed by an error in the event viewer:
The storage is not in the storage systemId cache: Available cached storage are...
The credentials for the storage system <SVM> is not configured. Resolution: Please check if storage system <SVM> is
resolvable or add an entry to etc/hosts file
These are preceded by:
Get storage system [<VSERVER>.<DOMAIN>] by user [<DOMAIN>\<username>] context