After an upgrade to the SnapCenter 4.3.2 HANA Plug-in, the discovery fails with system replication not supported with auto-discovery
Applies to
- SnapCenter Plug-in for SAP HANA (SCHANA) 4.3.2 to 4.5P2
After the SCHANA plug-in upgrade to version 4.3.2, the plug-in runs discovery, which fails with the following message:
SCC-00155 Auto Discovery for plug-in [hana] failed with error [
Auto discovery is not supported for HANA instances with system replication configuration.
You must manually add this instance to SnapCenter Server.] end exist code [-1]. Exiting.
In contrast, the previous SCHANA version with automatic discovery (4.3.1Px), did not run into this error.
The effect of the error is, that a previously auto-discovered HANA resource (with SnapCenter 4.3 to 4.3.1P2) will be shown as "(Deleted/Renamed)" and can no longer be properly managed in the GUI, except by Resource Group, if it was already setup that way.