Blocked port 3306 causes OnCommand Insight (OCI) Data Warehouse (DWH) connector ETL to fail
- Views:
- 278
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- Votes:
- 5
- Category:
- oncommand-insight-data-warehouse
- Specialty:
- oci
- Last Updated:
Applies to
- OnCommand Insight (OCI) 7.X
- OnCommand Insight Data Warehouse (DWH) 7.X
- Microsoft Windows
- Data Warehouse connector fails to connect to the Insight server.
- This can be seen in the Data Warehouse web interface on the "Connectors" tab as seen below:
- Also under the "Jobs" tab:
- The below error will also be seen in the dwh.log file:
Location: Installation Directory:\Program Files\SANscreen\wildfly\standalone\log
ERROR [Thread-56 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads-711407354)] JobDispatcherBean ( - InventoryJob{name='Inventory: connector 'XXX-XXX', id=68491, connectorId=42, targetTime=1523484000013, current=true} failed
javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction rolled back