What happens to EMS Subscriptions when a monitored cluster is removed from ActiveIQ Unified Manager?
Applies to
- OnCommand Unified Manager (OCUM) 7.x - 9.5.x
- Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM) 9.6.x+
An un-subscribe request will be sent to the cluster to remove all events from the Unified Manger destination, as well as remove Unified Manager as a syslog destination as part of the cluster removal process from ActiveIQ Unified Manager.
Additional Information
Refer to the following articles for more setup information about EMS-based event subscriptions in Active IQ Unified Manager:
- How to identify EMS events for subscription in Active IQ Unified Manager
- How to configure and receive alerts from ONTAP EMS Event Subscription in Active IQ Unified Manager
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Troubleshooting KB Articles for ActiveIQ Unified Manager ONTAP EMS subscription based events