Cannot peer Workflow Automation with Unified Manager, error "cannot determine the unique ID of Unified Manager version from Workflow Automation host"
Applies to
- OnCommand Unified Manager 7.2+ (OCUM)
- Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6+ (AIQ UM)
- OnCommand Workflow Automation 5.1 (WFA)
Trying to save the settings to enable peering between Unified Manager with WFA fails with error message:
Due to an internal error, cannot determine the unique ID of Unified Manager version <version> from Workflow Automation host <hostname>
Starting from 9.6 the error is
Due to an internal error, cannot determine the unique ID of ActiveIQ Unified Manager version <version> from Workflow Automation host <hostname>
If Unified Manager is already peered Unified Manager stops updating. Custom workflows do not execute.