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Active IQ Unified Manager database backup fails with MySQL 8.0.28

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM) 9.7 and above
  • MySQL 8.0.28 and above


  • After upgrading MySQL to version 8.0.28 or newer, the Active IQ Unified Manager database backup creation is failing with the bellow error in ocumserver.log:

2022-01-27 12:15:10,003 ERROR [umadmin] [job-319] [Create backup|BACKUP_CREATE] [c.n.d.i.backup.MysqlDumpOperation] Error occured while taking mysql dump. Error message:
2022-01-27 12:15:10,003 ERROR [umadmin] [job-319] [Create backup|BACKUP_CREATE] [c.n.d.i.backup.MysqlDumpOperation] WARNING: --delete-master-logs is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use --delete-source-logs instead.
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'PURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'unified-manager.000010'': Could not purge binary logs since another session is executing LOCK INSTANCE FOR BACKUP. Wait for that session to release the lock. (4085)

2022-01-27 12:15:10,076 ERROR [umadmin] [job-319] [Create backup|BACKUP_CREATE] [com.netapp.dfm.job.JobEngine] Error executing job e5526ca867282c16:-79d2a3bd:17e9b3efe26:-7ffe task e5526ca867282c16:-79d2a3bd:17e9b3efe26:-7ffd: Error occurred in Regular Backup Job:com.netapp.dfm.impl.backup.BackupCreationException: MySQL database dump dump file was not created.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error occurred in Regular Backup Job:com.netapp.dfm.impl.backup.BackupCreationException: MySQL database dump dump file was not created.

28586: 2023-07-13 19:29:29,164 ERROR [umadmin] [job-399] [Create backup|BACKUP_CREATE] [c.n.o.r.c.s.tasks.CreateBackupTask] Regular Backup Job didn't complete successfully due to an internal error

  • The UI may present the error Backup Could not be taken
  • This can occur also after a new install of Active IQ Unified Manager and since MySQL 8.0.28 was released; the backup will fail with the same error as seen above.

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