Applies to NetApp StorageGRID NetApp E-Series Systems SANtricity OS 11.70.5P1 Issue E-Series controller in lockdown state with 7-segment code: OE LF dr E-Series controller reboots with panic string: P...Applies to NetApp StorageGRID NetApp E-Series Systems SANtricity OS 11.70.5P1 Issue E-Series controller in lockdown state with 7-segment code: OE LF dr E-Series controller reboots with panic string: PANIC: cacheRecover - addToCache(1658ab600) returned 1657b3980 Alternate controller will be inaccessible and/or boot-loop while the affected controller is in the system
E-Series: RecoveryGURU reports CACHE_BACKUP_DEVICE_FAILED-Recovery Failure Type Code: 251. This is caused when the cache backup device in a controller is failed.
E-Series SANtricity Storage Manager home page reports recovery failure entry: CACHE_BACKUP_DEVICE_AT_END_OF_LIFE. This KB provides the cause and solution for this issue.