Snap Creator Database quiesce fails after 5 minutes suggesting to adjust a timeout
Applies to
- Snap Creator Framework (SCF) 4.3.x
- Most database plug-ins (DB2, MaxDB, HANA)
Backups of a Database in SCF occassionally fail during the quiesce with the following lines seen in the main Backup report (debug/out) after 5 minutes:
########## Application Quiesce ##########
[<DATE> 16:00:12,263] INFO: Application Quiesce for plugin : <APP_NAME>
[<DATE> 16:05:26,471] ERROR: [<AGENT_IP>:9090 (] Operation failed. Reason: The watchdog killed the running operation.
Verify that plugins/wrapper/wrapper binary has execute permission set. Increase the WRAPPER_TIMEOUT_IN_MSEC value in if operations require more time to complete.
[<DATE> 16:05:26,486] ERROR: [<AGENT_IP>:9090(] SCF-00037: Application quiesce for plug-in [<APP_NAME>] failed with error [] and exit code [102], Exiting!