SCF unable to find existing SnapMirror relationship with SCF-00017 error
Applies to
Snap Creator Framework (SCF)
- When creating new snapcreator.config with reference to an existing valid SnapMirror (SM) relationship, operation is created correctly but the backup fails with SCF-00017 error, stating the SnapMirror relationship does not exist
- Debug logs show SM relationship was ignored and then reports it doesn't exist:
[2023-09-20 14:10:38,599] DEBUG: Ignoring the snapmirror relationship with source <hostname:vol_name> and destination <hostname:vol_name> with source status snapmirrored
[2023-09-20 14:10:38,601] ERROR: SCF-00017: SnapMirror relationship for source <hostname:vol_name> does not exist, Exiting!