SnapDrive shared drive on Microsoft cluster nodes failed with Error "A security package specific error occurred"
Applies to
SnapDrive 7.1.5
Creating the shared drive using SnapDrive on Microsoft cluster node failed with error:
A security package specific error occurred.
WIN32 error code 0x721.
06/24-05:06:29.653 PID:1004 TID:11764 ProtocolHelper.cpp@1080 ProtocolNonOwnerThrdProc: start.
06/24-05:06:29.653 PID:1004 TID:11764 ProtocolHelper.cpp@1084 ProtocolNonOwnerThrdProc: tid=11764 pri=0
06/24-05:06:29.665 PID:1004 TID:11764 ProtocolHelper.cpp@1102 A security package specific error occurred.
WIN32 error code 0x721.
06/24-05:06:29.672 PID:1004 TID:11764 ProtocolHelper.cpp@1109 ProtocolNonOwnerThrdProc: failed. error code: '0x80070721', error description: 'A security package specific error occurred.
06/24-05:06:29.672 PID:1004 TID:11764 EventLog.cpp@344 Start NeedMuteEvent(): dwEventID -1073475447 dwNumStrings 2 enumEvtMuteGrp -1
06/24-05:06:29.672 PID:1004 TID:11764 EventLog.cpp@438 End NeedMuteEvent(): dwEventID -1073475447 dwNumStrings 2 enumEvtMuteGrp -1 bRet=00
06/24-05:06:29.673 PID:1004 TID:11764 ProtocolHelper.cpp@1127 ProtocolNonOwnerThrdProc: end.
06/24-05:06:29.673 PID:1004 TID:1968 localerror.cpp@82 Is_VDS_ITF_Error(): false.
06/24-05:06:29.673 PID:1004 TID:1968 localerror.cpp@94 Is_WMI_ITF_Error(): false.
06/24-05:06:29.673 PID:1004 TID:1968 ProtocolHelper.cpp@1054 Failed to update the transport protocol list on one or all of the nodes in the cluster.
Please review event log for more information.
HRESULT 0xc004108a.