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SnapDrive fails to create or connect to virtual disks or fails to create snapshots

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • SnapDrive 4.1 for Windows
  • SnapDrive 5.0 for Windows
  • SnapDrive 6.0 for Windows
  • SnapDrive 6.2 for Windows
  • SnapManager for Exchange (200+)


The following symptoms/errors might be observed, based on the version of SnapDrive being used.

SnapDrive for Windows (SDW) 6.x:

  • SnapDrive fails to create or connect to virtual disks with RPC errors or fails to create snapshots. A review of the Windows Application event logs shows RPC failures such as the following:

Date: 01/08/08 Source: SnapDrive
Time: 23:09:20 Category: Snapshot event
Type: Error Event: 191
User: NA Computer: MYSERVER
Failed to create a consistent snapshot (name) of the virtual disk(s) \\?\\Volume{0625122e-be37-11dc-bc32-001cc4568b90}\\.
Error code: Failed to get Data ONTAP version running on the filer myfiler.
Error Description: RPC Error - The RPC server is unavailable.

  • SDW is unable to retrieve the Data ONTAP version through the e0M interface on FAS31XX systems. The following error is displayed:

Failed to get Data ONTAP Version - RPC access denied!

  • SnapDrive fails to get Data ONTAP running on the storage system, and the following messages are displayed:

Message on the GUI:

Failed to get Data ONTAP version running on the storage system FILERNAME

Error Message:
RPC Error - Access is denied.

While there is no Windows event logs created, on connecting to \\filername\\c$ from Windows Explorer, the following message is displayed:
The account is not authorized to log in from this station


SDW 5.x and earlier:

  • LUNs not visible in SnapDrive. The following SnapDrive error occurs:

Failed to connect to virtual disk. Failure in mounting volume on the disk. Virtual Disk Name = (diskname) Disk Path = /vol/wow2/q_coredblog/Protocol Type = LUNFiler Name = x.x.x.x UNCPath = \\x.x.x.x\\coredblog\\coredblogRequested Mount Point = HAssigned Mount Point = Error code : Failed to get Data ONTAP version running on the Storage System nfs1.Error Description: RPC Error - The RPC server is unavailable.

  • A drive entry is not visible in SnapDrive MMC.


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