OnCommand Workflow Automation throws the error "Expanding of FlexGroup can be possible only on clusters running ONTAP version 9.2.0 and above."
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- 195
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- Category:
- oncommand-workflow-automation-wfa
- Specialty:
- legacy
- Last Updated:
Applies to
- OnCommand Workflow Automation 5.0
- OnCommand Workflow Automation 5.1
- ONTAP 9.5
- ONTAP 9.6
- ONTAP 9.7
- ONTAP 9.8
- ONTAP 9.9
- ONTAP 9.10
- After adding the "WFA pack for managing Clustered Data ONTAP" to OnCommand Workflow Automation the command 'FlexGroup Volume Expand' completes on the ONTAP side but the command throws an error:
09:34:39.718 INFO [Expanding An Existing FlexGroup Volume] ***** Workflow Execution Started *****
09:34:39.718 INFO [Search or define] ### Command 'Search or define' - cluster1:: abc101 ###
09:34:39.765 INFO [FlexGroup Volume expand] ### Command 'FlexGroup Volume expand' in 'POWER_SHELL' ###
09:34:42.954 INFO [FlexGroup Volume expand] Get-WfaCredentials -Host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
09:34:42.970 INFO [FlexGroup Volume expand] Credentials successfully provided for 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
09:34:42.985 INFO [FlexGroup Volume expand] Connect-Controller -Type CLUSTER -Name xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -Vserver -SSLversion TLSv1
09:34:43.016 INFO [FlexGroup Volume expand] Credentials successfully provided for 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
09:34:43.048 INFO [FlexGroup Volume expand] Connect-NcController (with credentials) -Name xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Timeout 60000 -ErrorAction Stop -SSLVersion TLSv1
09:34:44.329 INFO [FlexGroup Volume expand] Connected to cluster node
09:34:44.563 INFO [FlexGroup Volume expand] Expanding a FlexGroup volume: Start-NcVolExpand -ErrorAction Stop -VolumeName vol1 -VserverContext vserver1 -Aggregate abc_ssd_aggr1,xyz_ssd_aggr1
09:34:45.095 ERROR [FlexGroup Volume expand] Failed to Expand the FlexGroup volume: vol1. Message: Expanding of FlexGroup can be possible only on clusters running ONTAP version 9.2.0 and above.
09:34:45.188 ERROR [FlexGroup Volume expand] Command failed for Workflow 'Expanding An Existing FlexGroup Volume' with error : Failed to Expand the FlexGroup volume: vol1. Message: Expanding of FlexGroup can be possible only on clusters running ONTAP version 9.2.0 and above.
09:34:45.188 INFO [FlexGroup Volume expand] ***** Workflow Execution Failed *****
- When running the "Volume Create" command through a canned or custom workflow with any Tiering option selected, the command fails with a tiering error. This applies to both FlexGroups and FlexVols.
17:19:43.403 INFO [Create volume] Connect-Controller -Type CLUSTER -Name xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -Vserver -SSLversion TLSv1
17:19:43.450 INFO [Create volume] Credentials successfully provided for 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
17:19:43.512 INFO [Create volume] Connect-NcController (with credentials) -Name xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Timeout 60000 -ErrorAction Stop -SSLVersion TLSv1
17:19:45.528 INFO [Create volume] Connected to cluster node
17:19:46.294 INFO [Create volume] Failed to create new volume: volume_name. Message: Creation of Volume with Tiering Policy is possible only on clusters running ONTAP version 9.3.0 and above.
17:19:46.450 INFO [Create volume] Failed executing command. Exception: Failed to create new volume: volume_name. Message: Creation of Volume with Tiering Policy is possible only on clusters running ONTAP version 9.3.0 and above.