Cluster monitoring failed in OnCommand Unified Manager with internal error: expected one element but was
Applies to
- OnCommand Unified Manager (OCUM) 7.2+
- Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6+
- NetApp MetroCluster (MCC)
- A new event is created with the following trigger condition
Monitoring failed for cluster <clustername>. Reason: An internal error has occurred during MetroCluster component refresh
- The error listed below should be present in
ERROR [oncommand] [reconcile-5] [<example_ip>(incremental@00:04:02.256)] [c.n.dfm.collector.OcieJmsListener] Error during MetroCluster component monitoring : expected one element but was: <[Brocade_192.168.0.2:FC port0/21:Brocade_192.168.0.3:FC port 0/17], [Brocade_192.168.0.2:FC port 0/21:Brocade_192.168.0.3:FC port 0/21]>
ERROR [oncommand] [reconcile-3] [<example_ip>(incremental@00:19:01.871)] [c.n.dfm.collector.OcieJmsListener] Error during MetroCluster component monitoring : expected one element but was: <[Brocade_192.168.0.2:FC port 0/23:Brocade_192.168.0.3:FC port 0/18], [Brocade_192.168.0.2:FC port 0/23:Brocade_192.168.0.3:FC port 0/23]>
- In this specific case, we can see that port 21 from the switch is connected to two different ports (17, 21) on the switch
Note: Please find the log file location in the What are the notable log files and their respective locations? article