7MTT Error 02012 job failed. Reason: A technical error has occurred. Contact Technical Support
Applies to
7-Mode Transition Tool (7MTT)
The transition job stops during the pre-check phase with 'Reason: A technical error has occurred
Failed to read the configurations from the specified files of the following 7-Mode storage systems because these files contain invalid UTF-8 character.
To continue with the transition, detect and remove the invalid UTF-8 characters.
From the logs we can see:
"message" : "Reason: A technical error has occurred.",
"type" : "BLOCKING_ERROR",
"unSupportedVersions" : [ ],
"aptSummaryMessage" : null,
"aptDetailMessage" : null,
"aptDetailCorrectiveAction" : null,
"aptSummaryCorrectiveAction" : null,
"7ModeAffectedResources" : null,
"code" : "02012",
"correctiveAction" : "Contact technical support.",