Veeam is unable to backup or restore any data from the AltaVault
Applies to
- AltaVault
- Veeam
- StorageGrid
Backups and restore give errors in Veeam:
Processing <backup> Error: Read chunk failed.
Excepted 524288 bytes, Received 520192 bytes --tr:Failed to read chunk. Offset: 4096, Chunk size: 524288 --tr:Failed to check
command Command: READ, Offset: 4096, Data size: 524288, Chunk size: 1048576 --tr:Failed to execute command Command: READ, Offset:
4096, Data size: 524288, Chunk size: 1048576 --tr:Failed to read file: Offset: 4096, Block size: 524288, File: Path: [Host:
<AltaVault>, Mount: <mountpoint>, Disk: <disk>