How to failback to a physical AltaVault appliance from a virtual AltaVault appliance
Applies to
- NetApp Cloud Backup (formerly AltaVault)
- AltaVault appliance AVA400 and AVA800
- Virtual AltaVault AVA-v2, AVA-v8, AVA-v16, and AVA-v32
- This KB talks about how to revert to the physical AltaVault after it had been failed over to the virtual/cloud AltaVault appliance.
- The reason for failback could be:
- DR testing; To revert back to original state after the DR test is complete.
- The local cache at the virtual AltaVault may not suffice for bulk prepops (if the configured bucket is AWS Glacier) and it could be desired to fail back to the physical appliance to complete the task.
- The cloud capacity of virtual AltaVault(~160T in case of AVA-v32) may not suffice for migration or for archiving backups.