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NetApp Knowledge Base

Citrix profiles on AWS CVO are slow, time out, or load temporary profiles due to disk latency

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO) on AWS
  • Citrix VDI


  • Citrix profile folders for user profile redirection are slow or time out
  • Users may have long times to log in for VDI or published applications
  • Profiles may not load and a temporary one may be seen
  • ONTAP reports high latency from disk
    • Example: Running qos statistics volume latency show has high latency in disk column
Cluster::> qos statistics volume latency show
Workload            ID    Latency    Network    Cluster       Data       Disk        QoS      NVRAM      Cloud
--------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
-total-              -     8.88ms     2.82ms     1.00us  1032.00us     5.02ms        0ms     2.00us        0ms
citrix_home1-..   6762   137.73ms     1.91ms     1.00us    22.93ms   112.89ms        0ms        0ms        0ms
citrix_profi-..  26764   133.29ms     1.82ms        0ms     2.84ms   128.62ms        0ms        0ms        0ms
citrix_home2-..  18527    78.48ms     1.96ms        0ms     7.69ms    68.83ms        0ms        0ms        0ms
citrix_home3-..  33649    50.51ms   239.00us        0ms   995.00us    49.28ms        0ms        0ms        0ms

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