Create license task on BlueXP timeline failed with Error: Nss key id is missing
Applies to
- NetApp BlueXP
- NetApp Cloud Tiering License
- NetApp BlueXP Digital Wallet(DW)
- When the Onprem Cluster is discovered on BlueXP, The "Create license" event on the BlueXP timeline for the tiering license fails with the below error:
Sep 22 2023, 9:46:21 am Create license oidc|BlueXP-Federation|xxxxx Failed
Error:Nss key id is missing
"method": "POST",
"url": "/license/external/serial-number/xxxxx",
"body": {
"accountId": "account-xxxx",
"licenseType": "TIERING",
"expirationDate": 205129xxxx,
"capacity": 100
- But the Digital Wallet has already shown the cloud tiering license successfully