Cloud Manager auto adds disk only to aggregate on DR systems and not to source with same configuration
Applies to
- Blue XP (Formerly Cloud Manager) connector
- Automatic capacity Management
- Disk add to aggregate
- Aggregate with DP type data volumes
- Aggregate with tiering enabled
- Volume tiering policy
- Aggregate Capacity Thresholds - Free Space Ratio for Data Tiering
Cloud Manager purchased and added disk to aggregate on DR cluster as free space on performance tier was less than 10% of the "Total backup capacity (total capacity of data protection volumes with 'backup' or 'all' tiering policy)".
Cloud Manager Timeline:
Last disk added to aggregate on DR but not primary from Cloud Manager
Nov 15 2022, 1:33:26 pm
Automatically Add Disks To Aggregate
Cloud Manager
"aggregateName": "aggr1",
"numberOfDisks": "1",
"workingEnvironmentName": "netappCVOdr",
"diskType": "gp3",
"capacityForAction": "4.0 TB",
"workingEnvironmentId": "VsaWorkingEnvironment-xxxxxxxx"