trident-operator fails to start with "/trident-operator: no such file or directory"
Applies to
- NetApp Astra Trident
- Store container images in closed registry
- During manual trident-operator deployment in offline mode
After running kubectl create -f deploy/bundle_post_1_25.yaml
according to Manually deploy the Trident operator (Offline mode), kubectl describe pod trident-operator -n trident
reports error:
Warning Failed 2m47s kubelet Error: container create failed: time="2024-05-14T09:31:38Z" level=error msg="runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: \"/trident-operator\": stat /trident-operator: no such file or directory"
Warning Failed 2m3s (x3 over 2m31s) kubelet (combined from similar events): Error: container create failed: time="2024-05-14T09:32:22Z" level=error msg="runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: \"/trident-operator\": stat /trident-operator: no such file or directory"
Normal Pulled 108s (x13 over 4m9s) kubelet Container image "<registry>/netapp/trident-operator:24.02.0" already present on machine