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Cannot add an internally accessible k8s cluster in ACC with public FQDN

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Astra Control Center (ACC) 23.07
  • Kubernetes cluster (e.g. Openshift 4.12)


When attempting to add an internal k8s cluster by its external name, you get the following errors:
  • in the composite compute module, two events:
    1. "failed to add cluster" with the next message as error
    2. separate event: "type:, title:Kubeconfig not valid, description:The provided credential can't connect to the cluster. Provide an updated credential and retry the request., status:400, schema_validation_failure:, invalid_params:[], invalid_fields:[]"
  • in the trident service module:
    • event: "errors - error handler - Invalid cluster credentials for provided ID." with error: "could not initialize Kubernetes client; couldn't retrieve API server's version: Get \"https://api-int.<CLUSTER-FQDN>:6443/version\": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"

These errors (especially the X509 error) come even when adding the following line into the kubeconfig under "cluster":

insecure-skip-tls-verify: true

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