Backup or clone may fail for applications using PVCs with decimal units in Astra Control Center
Applies to
- Astra Control Center
- Application Backup using Astra Control Center
- Application Clone using Astra Control Center
- Trident ontap-nas driver
- An application backup or clone may fail if all the following are true:
- A Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC), VolumeClaimTemplate, or Helm install is created with a volume size using the International System of Units (SI)/base 10/decimal units (e.g. K, M or G symbols)
- The Trident ontap-nas driver is used to create the volume
- The Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is attached to a Kubernetes application being managed by Astra
- The PVC within the backup namespace (namespace running the backup pod) in the original cluster will display a similar error message as seen below.
kubectl describe pvc <pvc-name> -n <backup namespace name>
Warning ProvisioningFailed 22m (x11 over 27m) csi.trident.netapp.io_trident-csi-678955886c-9r7mz_1ee2b9b4-d28b-43f1-800e-be43820fdb99 failed to provision volume with StorageClass "ontap-gold": error getting handle for DataSource Type VolumeSnapshot by Name pvc-db35f9ac-41d1-44e2-91f9-01bec673b00c-snap-e8d4ade8-221a-4328-b8ef-dc800ee91d9b-pvc-ifwqo: requested volume size 10000000000 is less than the size 10000003072 for the source snapshot pvc-db35f9ac-41d1-44e2-91f9-01bec673b00c-snap-e8d4ade8-221a-4328-b8ef-dc800ee91d9b-pvc-ifwqo
- The same issue occurs if the application is installed via a Helm Chart or a custom manifest.