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What is expected behavior with available size for qtree quotas on a client when ONTAP quota size is below or above volume size?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
  • Windows/Linux client 
  • ONTAP 9
  • ONTAP quota size vs ONTAP volume size


  • Making a quota larger does not affect how much space is being reported.
  • The available space is based on the volume/aggregate, so making the value larger will not have an impact or any change

The two expected scenarios with example values: 

  • Scenario 1: When quota is higher than the overall aggregate size
    • Quota: 200 GB
    • Vol: 500 GB
    • Aggr: 150GB
  • Scenario Observation / expected behavior of scenario 1: 
    • With quota being higher than aggr size, the share/volume size reflected within Windows is that of the aggregate, i.e. 150 GB.
  • Scenario 2: Bringing the quota size down to 100 GB, which is lower than the volume/aggregate size. 

    • Quota: 100 GB
    • Vol: 500 GB
    • Aggr: 150GB
  • Scenario Observation / expected behavior of scenario 2:
    • With quota being lower than aggregate and volume size, the share/volume size reflected within Windows is that of the quota, i.e. 100 GB.

Additional Information

Commands to run when verifying conditions of the above two scenarios: 

1. To look for the available quota and its limit:

Cluster::> volume quota report -vserver NAS -volume NAS_vol1
Vserver: NAS

Volume   Tree      Type    ID        Used  Limit    Used   Limit   Specifier
-------  --------  ------  -------  -----  -----  ------  ------   ---------
NAS_vol1  quotaTest  tree  2           0B  100TB       1       -   quotaTest

2.  Comparing the limit against the size of the aggregate:

Cluster::> aggr show aggr1_cluster_01 -fields size, availsize
aggregate             availsize size
--------------------- --------- -------
aggr1_cluster_01 38.52GB   47.46GB

3.  Overall volume size:

Cluster::> vol show NAS_vol1 -fields used, size, percent-snapshot-space
vserver volume   size used   percent-snapshot-space
------- -------- ---- ------ ----------------------
NAS     NAS_vol1 50GB 8.17GB 5%

4.  From the Windows client, the observable size of the share is that of the available aggregate size. 

2009117175 qtree pic.png 

     Note: In the above screenshot of the share, qtree refers to the Windows share name. 

5. To verify, the above share is mapped to the qtree quotaTest as referred to above:

NAS            qtree         /NAS_vol1/        oplocks    -        Everyone / Full Control
quotaTest         browsable

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