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NetApp Knowledge Base

Access Denied error when Connecting to ONTAP S3 Server bucket

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • ONTAP S3
  • FabricPool
  • Rubrik
  • Veeam


  • When attempting to connect to an object storage provided by ONTAP S3 Server, the connection fails with an Access denied message
  • Veeam will report Invalid credentials

Failed to load S3 configuration: Invalid credentials for AmazonS3Compatible. See log file Satellite_Console on server <name> for details.

  • The S3 browser will report Access Denied and the error will include the following message:

"You are not allowed to get buckets list. Would you like to add an External Bucket?"

  • FabricPool will report the following during the object-store config creation:

Error: command failed: Cannot verify availability of the object store from node node-1. Reason: Access denied.

  • The EMS logs report the following events:

[node-1: kernel: nblade.css.s3.AccessDenied:debug]: Access is denied for user 's3-user' (Vserver s3svm), from client IP 177.XXX.XX.X accessing resource '/'.



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