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NetApp Knowledge Base

7MTT: To resolve a firewall issue when transitioning CIFS local users and group configurations

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • 7-Mode Transition Tool 
  • CIFS local users and groups


7-Mode Transition Tool (7MTT) reports the following blocking error when running a Precheck:

Error Code: 26000
Error Type: Blocking Error
Error Message: The HTTP port of the 7-Mode Transition Tool server is blocked by the firewall or HTTP port is not opened for                target SVM data LIFs. Therefore, 7-Mode Transition Tool cannot transition 7-Mode local users and groups                configurations to the following SVMs.
Corrective Action: Perform one of the following corrective actions and rerun the operation.
                   Make sure that the specified HTTP port is not blocked by the firewall and the HTTP port is opened to the                    target SVM data LIFs.
                   Ignore the transition of CIFS local users and groups configurations. Evaluate the impact before ignoring                    the transition of CIFS local users and groups. For more information about how to ignore the transition of                    CIFS local users and groups configurations, refer to the 7-Mode Transition Tool Guide.


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