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NetApp Knowledge Base

DBM corruption with controller PANIC: Alt ignored setTempDriveExtentsAlt call

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • E-Series
  • Controller firmware earlier than 8.40


  • One controller panic with signature like below:
09/15/20-10:44:57 (CrushWork): PANIC: Alt ignored setTempDriveExtentsAlt call, this controller must reboot
Stack Trace for CrushWork:
136e870 vxTaskEntry +44 : vkiTask
1108cb0 vkiTask +b0 : _ZN3vdm9CrushTaskINS_16CrushVolumeGroupEE9taskEntryEPS2_
5dbfa34 _ZN3vdm9CrushTaskINS_16CrushVolumeGroupEE9taskEntryEPS2_+54 : _ZN3vdm9CrushTaskINS_16CrushVolumeGroupEE4taskEv
5dbf870 _ZN3vdm9CrushTaskINS_16CrushVolumeGroupEE4taskEv+b0 : _ZN3vdm25CrushWorkSetupTaskManager12processQueueEv
4ee09e8 _ZN3vdm25CrushWorkSetupTaskManager12processQueueEv+248 : _ZN3vdm16CrushVolumeGroup19processWorkingStateEv
4efe0fc _ZN3vdm16CrushVolumeGroup19processWorkingStateEv+29c : _ZN3vdm15CrushRAIDVolume14startOperationEPN3adp12DistributionE
4ecbb0c _ZN3vdm15CrushRAIDVolume14startOperationEPN3adp12DistributionE+5ec : _ZN3vdm15CrushRAIDVolume14startOperationEPN3adp12DistributionEPNS_11CrushStripeE09/15/20-10:44:57 (CrushWork): NOTE: IOP stops FPE on Invader
4ecb234 _ZN3vdm15CrushRAIDVolume14startOperationEPN3adp12DistributionEPNS_11CrushStripeE+154 : _ZN3vdm14CrushOperation5beginEbPN3adp12DistributionE
4eb4eec _ZN3vdm14CrushOperation5beginEbPN3adp12DistributionE+ac : _ZN3vdm14CrushOperation17prepareNewCStripeEPN3adp12DistributionE
4eb4cec _ZN3vdm14CrushOperation17prepareNewCStripeEPN3adp12DistributionE+f0c : _vkiCmnErr
11051b4 _vkiCmnErr +94 : vkiLogTask +1c0
1104f60 vkiLogTask +540 : 80
Stack Trace Error: Improper return address of 0x80
Stack Trace Error: Improper return address of 0x0
14c4ff0 msgQSend +360 : (current instruction)
  • Both controllers are lockdown with 7-Segment code OE LF or OE Lt.
  • Controllers are lockdown due to DBM corruption as refer to console log during boot:
This controller is locked down due to detected corruption in the primary database. In order to prevent any configuration loss, the backed up database must be restored. 


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