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What log files does SnapCenter SMCore Service generate?

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Applies to

SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows


SnapCenter SMCore Service is a component running on SnapCenter Server host and Windows host having SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows.
The following log files are generated by SMCore.

Log File Name Location Description Log Rotation
SMCoreService.log <SC_Install_Dir>\SMCore\log\

SnapCenter SMCore Service log file.

Note: From 4.9 onwards these include the logging for the SAL when not job related.

The roll over is triggered when the log file size exceeds MaxFileSize. Rotated logs are retained as SMCoreService.log.<N> files up to the number specified as MaxSizeRollBackups. The default MaxFileSize is 10MB and the default  MaxSizeRollBackups is 10. These parameters can be changed with Set-SmLogSettings -Agent Cmdlet. For details, find Windows Cmdlet Reference Guide for the version you are running and refer to the documentation.
SMCore_<Job_ID>.log <SC_Install_Dir>\SMCore\log\

SnapCenter SMCore Service jog logs. Basically the same as SMCoreService.logbut contains only information related to an individual job.

Note: From 4.9 onwards these include the logging for the SAL.

When total job log files size exceeds JobLogsMaxFileSize, the oldest files are deleted. The default JobLogsMaxFileSize is 500MB and it can be changed with Set-SmLogSettings -Agent Cmdlet. For details, find Windows Cmdlet Reference Guide for the version you are running and refer to the documentation.

SnapDriveSALDebug.log <SC_Install_Dir>\SMCore

SMCore Storage Abstraction Layer (SAL) log file. This log file contains log outputs related to ZAPI that SMCore ran.

Note: SnapCenter 4.9 doesn't generate these logs anymore, and old ones can be deleted. Logging is folded into SMCoreService logs and the SMCore job logs, depending on job relevance.

For details, refer to KB: How to change the maximum log file size and the number of log files to retain for SMCore SAL log.




<SCW_Install_dir>\SnapCenter Plug-in for Windows\logs

As SMCore SAL job logs, these contain the same lines as SnapDriveSALDebug.log but only information related to an individual job.

As SnapCenter Plug-in for Windows (SCW) logs, these contain Windows Host specific logging.

Note: SnapCenter's SMCore 4.9 doesn't generate the SMCore SCW job logs anymore, and puts those lines into the SMCore job logs.

When total job log files size exceeds JobLogsMaxFileSize, the oldest files are deleted. The default JobLogsMaxFileSize is 500MB and it can be changed with Set-SmLogSettings -Agent Cmdlet. For details, find Windows Cmdlet Reference Guide for the version you are running and refer to the documentation.

JobLauncher.log <SC_Install_Dir>\SMCore\log\ Log file for SmJobLauncher.exe that triggers scheduled jobs. The same log rotation rule as SMCoreService.log is applied



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