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ACC Backups to S3 Storage on Rancher RKE2 deployment stops at 20%

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Astra Control Center 22.11.0
  • Rancher RKE2 with CIS-1.6 Config in Rancher
  • Kubernetes up to 1.24.x


After having discovered the applications using trident provided PVCs in a Rancher Kubernetes cluster, when attempting to run a Backup in ACC, it passes the Snapshot phase for the full 100%, but stops at 20% of the S3 backup:
After fully failing the backup, in the astra/netapp-acc/nautilus-<UID>/nautilus-<UID>.log from the Astra support bundle logs
(normally visible \n\t between the lines have been replaced with newline here, to split the trace):
Operation thread exiting: timed out waiting for job response

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